Category: September 2017

Faith based GriefShare Group begins in October

Part of the CCSB GriefShare Team: Susan Rajca, Cari and Bruce Block

Cari Block Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one is entering one of the most difficult life experiences. Long after the memorial service and burial there are emotional, practical and spiritual issues to deal with. There are different stages of healing that can go on for years. Once again, Community Church at…

Get ready for Laundry Day

Carol Smith Gathering Hearts, a SaddleBrooke Ranch Outreach Program, needs your donations of laundry soap pods and dryer sheets. All donations will be given to YOTO (Youth On Their Own). YOTO is a 501(c)(3) local non-profit agency dedicated to support the high school graduation and continued success of homeless youth by providing financial assistance, basic…