Partner Western dancers
Jane Gromelski
We hope you are having a great summer, staying cool if you are in SaddleBrooke. Even though Stan and I are snowbirds, there is still Partner Western dance activities during the summer months. A few of our members keep Partner Pattern dances alive by practicing in the Mesquite Grill Fitness room on Mondays from 6:00 until 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. Steve and Rita Holdener, Dottie and Harry Adams and Ted Shin and Brenda Lucas are some of the dancers who can be found practicing on Mondays. They do this as volunteers so they are not there every week, only when their active lives permit. They are patient and love sharing their knowledge with others. That’s the great thing about dancers, they love sharing the joy of dancing. And if a lot of heart healthy exercise and mental stimulation just happens to attach to dancing…all the better.
Stan and I will be returning to SaddleBrooke in late September, so we will be ready to start classes in Texas 2-Step and Western Waltz in mid-October. These classes are always held on Wednesdays, starting at 6:00 p.m. Then we will also have Partner Pattern classes on Thursdays. I will have firm dates in next month’s article. We already have Western dances scheduled for the fall on Sunday, November 13, Monday, December 5, and of course, our great New Year’s Eve Party on December 31. There are a lot of boot stomping good times ahead.
We have a website: SBPartnersWesternDance.wordpress.com or you can always email me: [email protected].
Yee Haw!