SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild and UAMA host art lecture series

The lecture series for March will be “Art and Soul.” undefined

The lecture series for March will be “Art and Soul.”

Vicki Cunningham

Tuesday, February 3, docent Tammy Bearden will present a free lecture from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Mesquite Grill, HOA 2. “Concrete Commentary” will focus on the evolution and growth of cities across America, and the story of its people as seen through the art work of various early and mid-twentieth century artists.

The third and final lecture of this series will be entitled “Art and Soul” and will be presented on Tuesday, March 3, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. by docents Fleurette and Marc Wallach. They will explore the importance of art to our personal and emotional lives and respond to questions like: “Does art exist only for art’s sake?” “Why should art matter to me?” “Is art medicine for the soul?” These two speakers will reveal to the audience how an individual can enjoy works of art through personal and emotional lenses. When art is successful, it provides a mirror though which we see beauty and understand more about ourselves.

SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is pleased to present this series of free lectures in partnership with the University of Arizona Museum of Art on February 3 and March 3, 2015. These lectures will focus on the importance of art in our country’s history as well as the importance of art in our personal lives. All lectures will be presented in SaddleBrooke at the Mesquite Grill in HOA 2, 38691 S. MountainView Drive, SaddleBrooke, AZ 85739, next to the Pro Shop.

Please mark your calendars and plan to come early to this series of informative and fun lectures. We filled Mesquite Grill for the January 6 lecture. Remember that all lectures will be in the Mesquite Grill and admission is free! We hope you will plan to attend!