Jack and Karen Gressingh
The SaddleBrooke Men’s Golf Association (SBRMGA) is pleased to announce that it will once again be hosting the annual couples competitive golf event on November 9, 2014, at the SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Course. It will be a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. The early notice is provided so that residents can make plans and get ready for the tournament.
This event is open to SaddleBrooke Ranch residents who are either SBRMGA or SBRWGA members, or have established AGA or AWGA handicaps. It differs from the Community Golf event held in April in that it is a competitive golf event, and it is not a fundraiser.
For this event, each two-person team will consist of a man and a woman. Single residents might want to consider teaming up with another single of the opposite sex to form a team for the event. If anyone needs help identifying interested single players, the organizers will be glad to try and assist. It is not required that a resident participate with his/her spouse. For example, if the spouse is not interested in competing or does not play golf, a resident can still pair up with another player of the opposite sex.
Since this is a competitive event, handicaps will be required of all participants. If an interested resident does not have an established handicap, there is still time to get one. It’s easy to do. Men can take advantage of the handicap only membership offered by the SBRMGA by contacting Brian Svedberg by email at membership@sbrmga.org. Additional information on handicap only memberships is posted on the SBRMGA website at www.sbrmga.org. Ladies interested in establishing an AWGA handicap should contact Colleen Carey at ccl78@q.com or Connie Klappenbach at bjcjklappenbach@us.com. Residents with established handicaps at a different summer location can also provide verification from that club or association prior to registration.
Details regarding the game format, cost, after-match awards ceremony, no-host dinner and the registration form will be distributed in late September once the details are finalized. The date of November 9 is certain. The after-match awards ceremony and buffet dinner will be held at the Cadillac Chaparral Restaurant. Mark your calendar! If you have any questions, please send them to president@sbrmga.org.