2018 Club Expo highlights


Linda Harvey

Having fun, enjoying active retirement, making friends…these are all activities at which SBR residents excel. And there is no better time to see these come together than at Club Expo.

This year 50 clubs and groups came out on a Sunday afternoon in January to introduce themselves to their fellow residents and talk about the activities in which they participate. Besides the participants, there were over 200 people who wandered among the displays to pick up information, to sign-up for activities, and to meet their new neighbors.

Activities ran from artists of SBR to zumba, with many state clubs, card games, and organized play in between. Some of the groups we welcomed this year included the Illinois Club, the Weaving Club, Armchair Travel, and Veterans of SBR.

Club Expo affords each group the opportunity to celebrate why their group is special to SaddleBrooke Ranch. There is great enthusiasm among participants for this one day each year. For those who missed this year and would like a list of clubs and groups, a list is posted on the HOA website (saddlebrookeranchhoa.org) under Resources, then Settler’s Guide, then SBR_Clubs, Groups, Classes. Or check with Alex at the front desk. A list is also given to new residents at the monthly Newcomer’s Welcome.

A special thanks to Alex Baker, Dani Herbert and the Bistro staff for helping make this year a success.