All in pink to support their team. Everyone kicked off the first day with a great fight song to the tune of “You Are My Sunshine,” written by Team Captain Carole Ericksen.

Seeing red, this team had a team cheer to get their adrenaline going.
Jeanne Osterlund
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association held their annual Solheim cup on Nov. 5 and 12. The two-day match play event was a rousing success.
The captains wanted to keep it fun this year, and they did a great job. Thank you to the captains, Susan Pharr and Gaye Ohanian for the red team and Carole Ericksen and Mindy Hawkins for the pink team.
The event started with a kickoff party at the home of Marlyce Mycka. During the evening, each person was given red or pink beads to show which team they were on. It was a really creative way to reveal the teams.
The comradery and team spirit continued at the opening of the first day with a rousing cheer by the red team and a song by the pink team. Ok, maybe we won’t make America’s Got Talent, but we did really well for the Ranch!
The captains did a fantastic job with the match-ups. Out of 450 total points, the pink team won by a total of three points.
Winners of the closest to the pin prizes were: hole 5, red – Sue Wells; hole 5, pink – Susan Ness; hole 14, red – Alison Livett; and hole 14, pink – Michelle Carter.
Thank you to our pros, Mike Jahaske and Ken Steinke, for their help with the scoring. And a special thanks to Dana Reddington of Long Realty who sponsored our event.