Part of this teenager’s Wish included learning how they make croissants in Paris.
Tim Morsani
SaddleBrooke Rotary’s 20th annual Fore For Kids Charity Golf Tournament will take place at the Oro Valley Country Club on April 23. This year’s principle beneficiary is Make-A-Wish Arizona, which grants wishes to Arizona children with life-threatening medical conditions.
The great thing about playing in a 44Kids tournament is that even if you don’t win, the kids always do. Since its inception this tournament has channeled more than $500,000 to youth-centered organizations in Northern Pima and Southern Pinal counties.
When you consider the early-bird discounts, it’s not too early to gather a foursome and sign up. Checks will be made to a 501(c)(3) organization so there may be a 2017 tax deduction available. For further information and to pay with a credit card, visit http://fore4kids.com.