Artisan Joy Cafferty on the right assisted by Bev Patch on the left
Georgine Hurst
Were they ever on Dec. 14, 2024! Get the next SaddleBrook Ranch (SBR) Arts and Craft Fair event on your 2025 calendar right now—it’s Saturday, Nov. 29. It is a “must do.” The quality of the event, the work of the artisans, and the timing before the holidays are compelling invitations.
Per Toni Selk, a member of the SBR Arts and Crafts Steering Team, feedback included great, excellent, awesome, and even smashing and fabulous! This was not just convenient shopping, it was an entire experience. It began even before entry to the Sol Ballroom with a pathway lined with impressive cholla artworks. Live festive ukulele background music filled the air. Colors, textures, and forms of a wide range of items seemed to consume every inch of the ballroom. The atmosphere was buzzing!
Forty-nine resident artist vendors (with a wait list) presented their handmade wares. Some of their featured items were textiles (knitted items such as scarves, blankets, etc.), embroidery, crochet, weaving, quilts, glass art, wood art, cutting and game boards, baskets, jewelry, mosaics, pottery, acrylic pour lazy susans, clocks, paintings, sculptures, paper crafts, clay mono prints, tote bags, painted rocks, felted soap bars, decorative pickleball accessories, and more. Whew! A large selection to peruse.
A raffle for items donated by the artisans and wine from the SBR Ranch House Grill added to the creative energy and festive spirit of the day.
The 2024 SBR Arts and Crafts Fair Steering Committee in addition to Toni are Gillian Cook, Diane Post, and Mary Tomasello. Karen Schaffner, a writer for Tucson Local Media, was quite impressed with the resident artists. She interviewed three of our artisans, Toni Selk, Gillian Cook, and Beverly Hinton.
Toni, a member of the SBR Mudslingers, making pottery, shared with Karen that “the work is on par with any curated show.” According to Gillian her own creative pursuits were nurtured during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her focus is knitted lap rugs, sea glass, and driftwood mobiles. Bev shared that she is now a six-year member of the SBR Glasshoppers, which taught her the craft. She is so passionate about it, she has invested in her own studio. Understanding the artists’ journey in their crafts lends itself to Bev’s attitude that “It’s wonderful to be with your friends and neighbors selling things.”
The atmosphere of fun and adventure of the high quality Arts and Crafts Fair is sure to become an annual holiday shopping tradition for many. As the Fair advert said, “Bring your holiday shopping list, pick up those last minute gifts or something special … just for you.” See you on Nov. 29, 2025!