2nd Annual Fitness Expo Coming February 17

Debbie McGrady

Looking for a new way to get motivated and start your journey to a healthier life? Come join us on Feb. 17 from 9:30 a.m. to noon to meet SaddleBrooke Ranch fitness instructors and find the class that fits your needs. There will be demonstrations from the instructors to give you an idea of what to expect in each class, plus the instructors will be on hand to answer any questions you might have to guide you to the class that works better for you. The event is guaranteed to be informative as well as fun! Remember, we all moved here to be active not only socially but physically and live a long healthy life … so come and join us! There’s nothing to lose but maybe a lot to gain!

Instructor names and class descriptions:

Marian BianchiniZumba

Zumba is a cardio fitness program that involves dance and aerobic movements performed to energetic music. The choreography incorporates hip-hop, Latin, jive dance steps, and more.

Bridget BonnerVinyasa Flow Yoga and Gentle Yoga

Vinyasa Flow Yoga includes various posing techniques promoting ease of movement, strength, and endurance, improving posture and flexibility.

Gentle Yoga combines movement, stretching, balancing, breathing, and meditation, inviting peace and serenity while strengthening our body and improving balance and range of motion for improved flexibility.

Kim DennyZumba Gold and Aqua Zumba

Aqua Zumba is a low- to no-impact class that uses Zumba water fitness choreography to the beats of international-inspired music.

Zumba Gold is a low-impact Zumba program utilizing international music and dance styles.

Tanya Fagetan—Chair Yoga, Barre Fitness, Yoga, Yoga for Golfers, Yin Yoga

Chair yoga is a gentler yoga option for people with limited mobility. The gentle moves concentrate on releasing tension, posture, and balance.

Barre class is a workout technique inspired by elements of ballet, yoga, and Pilates. Focusing on low-impact, high-intensity movements designed to strengthen your body.

Yoga includes slow movements and deep breathing to increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while holding a pose can build strength.

Yoga for Golfers’ application of yoga concentrates on specific stretching and core movements to assist golfers.

Yin is a relaxed, passive style of yoga that involves holding poses, or asanas in Sanskrit, for longer durations and increasing your inner awareness.

Kelly HastingsBalance Training, Core & More, Spin, Full Body Strength, Tabata, and Stretch

Balance Training incorporates strength and neuromuscular exercises to improve body balance, strength, and flexibility.

Core & More class focuses on the entire core. Exercises are both on and off the mat.

Spin is an indoor cycling class that provides an excellent workout and improves your cardiovascular conditioning.

Full Body Strength includes exercises that incorporate cardiovascular training along with strength training. A variety of workout elements will be used such as Tabata, HIIT, and weights.

Tabata training is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, featuring exercises that last four minutes.

Stretch is a workout that increases your range of motion and flexibility.

Bev HintonAquatic Exercise

Aquatic Exercise consists of cardio, strength training, building endurance, flexibility, and improving balance and stability.

Cathy Lair—Water Aerobics

Strength training, work on balance, and flexibility.

Debbie McGradyBodyWorks

A full-body high-energy class that increases your muscle mass and your endurance and stamina.