5784 Already?

Melanie Einbund

No, it isn’t a misprint! The New Jewish Year is 5784! The Institute for Judaic Services and Studies (IJSS) will be holding evening services on Sept. 15 and morning services on Sept. 16. Yom Kippur services will be held on Sep. 24, (evening) and Sept. 25 (day). IJSS will be holding the “Break Fast” at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 25. Congregants will be sent the full High Holy Day schedule.

Our clergy Rabbi Sanford Seltzer and Cantorial Soloist Eliyanah Powers will be returning to the pulpit to lead and guide us through our prayers, liturgy, and traditions. Joining us is our new accompanist Josh Nichols, Doctorate of Musical Arts.

Dr. Nichols is a composer, organist, pianist, and teacher. Currently his studies are continuing at University of Arizona’s Fred Fox School of Music in Composition. Having been commissioned to write ballet and dance music, chamber percussion, and orchestra (chamber and full), Josh brings a variety of talents to IJSS. He is experienced in his role of religious music with the ability to elevate the service and will bring many flavors to our services throughout the 2023-24 year.

Kol Nidre will begin our Yom Kippur service at 7 p.m. on Sept. 24. The prayer ‘Kol Nidre’ (All Vows) is to many the single piece of liturgy that best represents Yom Kippur. A haunting melody often played by a cellist causes all present to delve deeply into their hearts and souls, looking for forgiveness. We are fortunate that Robert Marshall, cellist, will again provide us with his musical abilities by playing Bruch’s Kol Nidre at the beginning of Yom Kippur services. For those of you who remember, it’s a beautiful musical composition played by an excellent musician. Marshall is the principal cellist of the Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra, among other professional roles locally and worldwide.

Summer Events

IJSS invites all members and nonmembers of the Jewish Community to gather for a potluck on Aug. 23, from 4:30 to 8 p.m., meeting at the HOA One Tennis Pavilion. Let us celebrate each other and the coming of the high holidays—making new friends and rediscovering our friends, sharing experiences and stories, and having good food!

Everyone is asked to bring something! Use your last name initial to please bring: A-F: Nonalcoholic beverages; G-M: Appetizers; N-S: Desserts; T-Z: Comfort Foods, hot or cold.

For more information, contact Melanie Einbund ([email protected]).

Remembering, Honoring, and Worth Repeating

All of us have experienced at one time or another the loss of someone dear. A Jewish practice is Yahrzeit (the Yiddish word for “anniversary,”) and refers specifically to the anniversary of the date of a person’s passing. We commemorate the event with a candle and recite the Mourner’s Kaddish.

IJSS board members Jeff Syden and Joel Wyner created a web page for our congregation who wish to honor the passing of a person(s). Jeff took me through the learning curve to access and add my loved ones to the site. But some background information first: The site for IJSS partnered with the National Jewish Memorial Wall to provide a way that congregants and friends can commemorate and acknowledge their deceased. Since we don’t have a permanent building, this website augments the plaque and Yahrzeit memorial that would normally be in the synagogue. The site identifies the Yahrzeit remembrance, sends reminders, and has a place where you can store your personal memories of the deceased. Primarily this is a platform for our community to capture family history and heritage through the sharing of stories and pictures.

You can access the site at www.NJMW.org/ijss or www.nationaljewishmemorialwall.com/ijss. You will find many choices you can explore including online plaques, Yahrzeit reminders, planting a tree in Israel, and other options. We encourage you to look and review plans and their pricing. If you need assistance, reach out to Joel Wyner ([email protected]) or Jeff Syden ([email protected]). They will be happy to assist you.

A Message from Esta Goldstein

“As Chair of IJSS I want to thank many volunteers who come early to set up the room for each service. I hope that more volunteers will come forth during the 2023-24 year, beginning with High Holy Days services on Sept. 15 and throughout the year. The board of IJSS appreciates and thanks all of you who step forward to help us and our community.”

IJSS is a small and welcoming congregation. We value our members and their needs. If you have questions or wish to join our congregation, please feel free to contact Esta Goldstein at 520-825-1181 or Seth Eisner at 520-818-6340 for information.