$4500 check is presented to SBCO by the sponsors of Community Golf Event. Left to right: Event Chairman Chuck Baker, Vice President SBCO Education Program Steve Groth and Jack Gressingh, President Men’s Golf League.
Tim McCauley
Indeed, the fifth annual Community Golf Event provided another sterling example of Active Resort Living: golfing, joining familiar and new neighbors, friendly competition, all capped off with good food and an evening full of laughs and cheer. Doug Streuber’s accompanying article captures the day’s festivities and thanks the sponsors, participants and volunteers.
Yet there is another storyline. It’s a story about generosity; a story about our ranch residents giving back to our surrounding community by helping kids go to college. All of the revenue generated by the raffle tickets purchased and a portion of the proceeds from the dinner cost went directly to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO). Bottom line: the Community Golf Event contributed $4500 that will help SBCO fund scholarships to worthy and needy college students.
How does that $4500 contribution make a difference? Why does it matter? Those little towns and areas in Pinal County to our north and east, San Manuel, Mammoth, Kearney and Superior to name a few, are inhabited by the poor and needy. SBCO’s mission is to help kids in those communities go to school properly clothed and fed and then lend support to their learning. SBCO, via its Education Program, funds scholarships and enrichment programs in addition to providing tutors and mentors.
At least sixteen worthy and outstanding college bound students will receive an SBCO $1500 scholarship each of the next four years to help pay for their tuition and other expenses. SBR resident and Vice President of SBCO’s Education Program Steve Groth led the group that screened, interviewed and then selected these students from the high schools of San Manuel, Hayden-Winkelman, Ray and Superior. These students will join the thirty-seven others who continue to qualify for scholarships they were awarded in previous years.
I will sum it up like this: our fifth Community Golf Event not only provided an enjoyable day but also funded the scholarships next year for three worthy college students. That’s a winning combination. Having fun and doing good!
Want to help even more? Contact SBCO at www.community-outreach.org.
Questions? Feedback. Call or write Tim McCauley at 369-4513 or [email protected].