Passing of Putter: past Co-Presidents Linda Bowman and Janice Neal on left, pass the Putter to new President, Linda Shannon-Hills. Photo by Bob Hills

2015 Ranchette Putters Board Members, from left: Jeanne Bianchini, Statistician; Ellyn Biggs, Secretary; Linda Shannon-Hills, President; Linda Nicholson, Vice-President; Mary Schlachter, Treasurer/Membership. Photo by Bob Hills

2014 Ranchette Putters Board Members, from left: Linda Harvey, Statistician; Ellyn Biggs, Secretary; Elida Jerman, Treasurer; Linda Bowman and Janice Neal, Co-Presidents; Marilee Fairbanks and Linda Shannon-Hills, Co-Vice Presidents. Photo by Bob Hills.
Terry Barringer
The Ranchette Lady Putters recently elected a new board of officers to serve this active, fun-loving SaddleBrooke Ranch club. The ladies meet every Wednesday morning on the SBR putting green for 18 holes of putting. Talent is not a necessary criterion to join this group. However, many ladies have been pleasantly surprised at the improvement they have shown over the past year.
With the accelerated growth we have seen at the Ranch, the Ranchettes ended 2014 with 94 members. We are looking forward to many more ladies joining in the putting this coming year.
The volunteers who generously contribute their time and energy is the reason for the success of the Ranchette Putters. Our new volunteer 2015 officers are president, Linda Shannon-Hills; vice president, Linda Nicholson; secretary, Ellyn Biggs; treasurer, Mary Schlacter; membership, Mary Schlachter; statistician, Jeanne Bianchini and special events coordinator, Camille Hovmiller.
The 2015 committee leads are beverages, Shelia Bray; boards, Carol Sorenson and Linda Parker; name tags, Martha Sampson; webmaster, Martha Sampson; publicity photography, Janice Neal; publicity writer, Terry Barringer; setup scheduling, Bev Hall; setup reminder, Marnie Leach; shirts and apparel, Sally Carstens and Catherine Wierman; and sunshine, Cathy Lair and Carolyn Blake.
A special thanks to the outgoing officers of 2014 who oversaw a busy year, which included the awards program, a putter brunch, the hosting of a putter event with SaddleBrooke MountainView Lady Putters in April, a very successful Rhinestone Cowgirl themed putting event with Robson Quail Creek Lady Putters, and the adoption of a new Ranchette Putter logo.
The 2014 officers were co-presidents, Linda Bowman and Janice Neal; co-vice presidents, Linda Shannon-Hills and Marilee Fairbanks; secretary, Cathy Kovach and Ellyn Biggs; treasurer, Elida Jerman; membership, Mary Schlachter; and statistician, Linda Harvey.
A thank-you to all of our members who make the Ranchette Lady Putters such a special organization here in SaddleBrooke Ranch.