Photo by Debbie Witten

Photo by Debbie Witten

Photo by Debbie Witten
Miriam Brock
After nearly a year of lockdown due to the coronavirus, the Pickleball Club has reinstituted round robin play. A “Round Robin” is a structured form of play organized by skill levels. In the time allocated to each Round Robin session you play eight games, each with a different partner and against a different pair of opponents. The goal is to have fun and meet new people at your skill level.
COVID precautions were taken such as wearing masks between courts and having multiple court assignments posted. Based on feedback, additional court assignments will be posted in the future to alleviate too many people congregating in one spot. Safety precautions of each person using their own ball continues, and the club graciously provided two balls for each member.
The feedback for the first week of play was extremely positive. People were excited about being able to play with new members and meet new people. The monitors were exceptionally helpful and well-organized and play ran smoothly. This is hopefully the first step in returning to the camaraderie and social events of years prior to the coronavirus.

Photo by Debbie Witten