Technology Club Announces Membership Survey Results

A full house at the SBR Technology Club April general meeting listened to the results of our 2022 membership survey.

Jeff Kaczmarek

On April 5, the SaddleBrooke Ranch Technology Club hosted a general meeting and social to hear the results of our most recent membership survey.

Survey results showed that members most utilized their iPhones followed by laptops, tablets, and desktops. Apple OS was the top operating system followed by PC and Linux. Respondents typically rated their skill levels as “intermediate” with utilization of (in order): email, Microsoft Word, Messages, Microsoft Excel, and PowerPoint. Additionally, members noted capabilities with home automation and web browser software.

Going forward, members want to see classes and assistance with their top priorities, including: photo editing, home networks/Wi-Fi, iPhone, transferring photos and video to digital formats, security protection, and Zoom.

The SBR Tech Club is now up to 250 members and growing. We have exciting new programs and classes ahead, as well as one-on-one assistance with your technology challenges. See what all the buzz is about by checking our website at!