Phyllis Ketring
The time for the annual SaddleBrooke Health Fair is approaching on Saturday, October 17, 9:00 a.m. to noon at the HOA One clubhouse.
Parking will be at the MountainView parking lot with two luxury coaches shuttling fairgoers continuously between MountainView and HOA One. Shuttles will operate until 1:30 p.m. to allow people time for lunch at the Road Runner after the fair.
Collect your expired medications and used eyeglasses for convenient drop off. Medications will be disposed of properly, and eyeglasses will be donated. Then meet your favorite exhibitors and screeners as well as new participants.
New to the Fair – Oro Valley Hospital Mini-Seminars
For the first time Oro Valley Hospital is sponsoring three short outdoor seminars on the lawn near the clubhouse. Three Oro Valley doctors will offer these mini-seminars to allow a larger number of people to learn about their specialties. They will then be available for individual conversations with a team of more physicians and technicians at the Oro Valley location on the main floor inside the clubhouse.
The following immunizations, vaccines and screenings will be offered:
Flu, pneumonia and shingles vaccines
Free skin cancer screening (lower level)
Free hearing tests (Arts and Crafts Building)
Free screenings for blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and vision
Back pain assessment
You will need an appointment for the shingles vaccine. Call Walgreen’s at 520-339-2985 or HealthWaves at 480-968-1886 to make your appointment and verify insurance coverage or method of payment. HealthWaves also offers lab and allergy tests (no doctor’s order necessary) for a reasonable price. A complete list will be e-mailed to residents before the fair and will be posted at This website has the most current Health Fair information.
Both Walgreen’s and HealthWaves will have the following vaccines available: standard flu, high dose flu and quadrivalent (preservative free) flu. They will also offer the standard pneumonia shot as well as the new Prevnar 13® for those who have already received the original vaccine. Please check with your physician to clarify any personal medical issues.
Banner Health (U of A College of Pharmacy) will do free screenings for blood sugar, cholesterol and will consult on medication interactions. The Health Fair is pleased to have these dedicated students, technicians and supervisors who work with skill, knowledge and commitment.
Healthy Snacks
Many fairgoers have requested a way to purchase a healthy snack or soft drink at a reasonable price while they visit the Health Fair. This year HOA One will have a table conveniently located outside the front entrance for hungry and thirsty attendees.
The Health Fair is routinely touted as one of the best by screeners and exhibitors. That reputation of excellence is due to the SaddleBrooke volunteers who make the event work smoothly. There is still time to volunteer for a short, 90-minute shift on the day of the fair. Just contact Sally Sample, volunteer coordinator, at [email protected]. The short shift allows volunteers to attend the fair. It takes about 150 volunteers to make this event a success.