Members at the table, beginning from the left side: Georgia Gonzales, Alyce Grover, Sherry Weiss, Deborah Nacewicz, Jeanelaine Parfet, Cindy Kreis, Sheri Stark, Cher Stroben, Vicki Warning, Lori Eby, and Anne Terrell
Cher Stroben
On Feb. 28, the ladies of “Clothe Me,” a SaddleBrooke Ranch sewing group, had their first semiannual luncheon at the Ranch House Grill. We gathered to celebrate the clothing members have been making. We modeled the clothing items we have been sewing, passed along tips to help one another, and enjoyed each other’s company.
If you are asking where and when is Clothe Me, we meet every Monday afternoon from 1 until 4 p.m. in the Tech Center’s sewing room. If you can sew and are interested in making items for yourself or maybe someone else, stop by and check us out. We have members with lots of sewing experience. The best part of the club is we learn something new every time we meet.