Tennis at SaddleBrooke Ranch
Janice Neal
The SaddleBrooke Ranch tennis courts are open to all residents. The SBR Tennis Association (SBRTA) has organized play for its members every morning and an evening in the summer. All other times are available to anyone who wants to play tennis. To reserve a court, sign up at the Fitness Center desk in La Hacienda Club.
The SBRTA is growing rapidly. We currently have over 60 members, from beginners to lifelong players. If you would like more information about our club, you can go to our website at http://www.saddlebrookeranch.org/tennis/. We sponsor Development Days every Monday at 9:00 a.m. at the Stadium Court. Our members work with players returning or new to the game. If you are interested in coming to this event, contact our membership chairman, Ted Wierman, at [email protected].
This coming year will include many events for our members including our annual Tennis Festival, lessons, clinics and social events. We are also looking forward to the addition of three new tennis courts as well as the adjacent Stonehouse Grill. Please visit our website for more tennis information.