Pat Albu
On a chilly Jan. 20, the Ranchette Putters traveled all the way to SaddleBrooke for a fun tournament with the Verde Sputters. The teams were an even mixture of Putters and Sputters (try saying that three times in a row!), so it wasn’t a competition between the two communities. The Sputters had set up a very difficult course, so there were a lot of very high scores—and a lot of laughs! Afterward we were treated to a lovely lunch and awarding of prizes to the top three teams. It was a wonderful day, and we look forward to hosting the Sputters here at the Ranch next year!
First place Ranchettes: Lore Weimer and Sherry Brinster
Second place Ranchettes: Nancy Tagge and Mary Ann Frelund
Third place Ranchettes: Sandy Buonarigo and Karen Derdzinske