Rev. Mary Dotson
The season of Lent begins Wednesday, March 5. Traditionally we think Lent is 40 days of giving up pleasures that consume us. I have come to appreciate Lent to be a season to refocus my life. It is so easy for us to get caught up in the drama of life, relationships, and family that we can feel like we are running around in circles and not consciously living life with purpose and direction. Lent gives us an opportunity to return to a more mindful intention to follow Jesus. It’s a time of emptying ourselves from all that clutters our minds and bodies and be filled with the loving presence of God.
As pastor of Vista de la Montaña, I invite you to experience this holy season in a variety of ways on our campus. On March 5, Ash Wednesday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Prayer Stations will be set up in the narthex of our sanctuary for a self-paced time of prayer. Each station will have a portion of the Lord’s prayer with a brief description. At the end of the prayer, I will be present to place the traditional marking of the cross on your hand or forehead with ash. It’s a visible reminder that we are dust and that God makes beautiful things out of dust.
In addition, you are welcome to walk our Labyrinth and/or The Stations of the Cross, both located at the south end of our campus. We also welcome you to worship with us each Sunday at 10 a.m. Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church is located at 3001 E. Miravista Lane, on the west side of Oracle Road just south of the Golder Ranch intersection.
May this season before Easter be a meaningful one for you and that you experience God’s grace in a deeper way.