Vista UMC Ministries in Action

Stop by our library at Vista UMC in the Administration building to get a Prayer Bead set.

Linda Galka, Benith MacPherson, Nancy Yob, and Sharon Scanlan

Our ministry teams have had a busy 2025 so far!

In addition to “Souper Sunday,” we supported Impact with the following collections: 245 boxes of pasta were collected for the food bank in January. For our Share the Warmth annual drive, we hit an all-time high both in number of donations and the quality of the items donated! In total, 447 items were donated to the Impact Clothing Bank! Many individuals in our community will be able to ward off the chill during these winter days and nights because of our generosity.

During Valentine’s week we honored the wonderful Coronado 4-8 teachers with a Valentine strawberry shortcake celebration!

Our Creative Hands ministry provided many beautiful handmade children’s outfits to Family First in Oracle. These garments will become personal heirlooms for children who love the beautiful outfits! The Prayer Bead ministry continues to provide wonderful Protestant Prayer beads to friends, family, and those attending our services. Stop by our library at Vista UMC in the Administration building to get a set.

We also welcome you to worship with us each Sunday at 10 a.m. Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church is located at 3001 E. Miravista Lane, on the west side of Oracle Rd. just south of the Golder Ranch intersection.