Voices in the Oaks Prepares for April 6 Concert

Lu Legel

Mark your calendars! Our spring concert is on April 6 at 3 p.m. in the Sol Ballroom. Please note that the February issue of the Ranch Roundup stated an incorrect concert start time. The correct time is 3 p.m.

Voices in the Oaks rehearsals are now in full swing as we prepare for our concert. We will have Thursday night rehearsals in the Sol Ballroom on March 6, 13, and 27 starting at 6 p.m. and are opening these to the public. We invite you to come, listen, and observe. The spring program will have a little something for everyone including modern pieces by Paul Simon and Tears for Fears, unifying songs of love and devotion, tributes to nature and Schubert’s Mass in G for our classical fans. Watch SBR Facebook and NextDoor for more details on tickets and concert details.

As a part of our community outreach efforts, Voices in the Oaks Chorale will sponsor the 1st Monday Lunch at the Oracle Community Center (OCC) on March 3 at noon. Coralee Thompson and her team from Voices will lead the effort preparing Jambalaya for the attendees. See the OCC website at oraclecommunitycenter.org for details.

For more information on Voices in the Oaks or to donate, visit our website: voicesintheoaks.org or call us: 520-276-9251. Voices in the Oaks Chorale is a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.