Linda Shannon-Hills
The next Thursday Talks on November 17 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. will be “Leonardo: More than the Mona Lisa” presented by Larry Richter, resident of SaddleBrooke Ranch. This talk will be in La Mesa Room at La Hacienda Clubhouse.
We all have studied Leonardo da Vinci in our early years of school and recognize the painting of Mona Lisa to be one of his greatest works of art as well as the Last Supper, but much of his other incredible work is often overlooked. Larry will give a presentation that goes deeper into the life of Leonardo.
In Larry’s previous life he graduated with a major in geology and chemistry. He decided he would have more fun as a high school physics teacher and started an award winning robotics program. He was always drawn to the life of Leonardo, not just for his painting but he was a groundbreaking scientist, engineer, mathematician and anatomist whose considerable accomplishments often go unrecognized. Since living in Arizona, Larry has nurtured his other passions of music and art and began doing more research on the true Renaissance Man. He has presented this lecture for the Tucson Museum of Art.
We are thrilled to have Larry back to speak at the Ranch.