Watercolor on canvas
As requested by the artists at SaddleBrooke Ranch, Kendahl Jan Jubb will return to share her internationally renowned artistic expertise at a two-day workshop on March 14 and 15, 2017. The technique will allow the finished painting to be hung for display without additional frame or glass.
Supplies are provided for the participants!
Pre-registration is required! Single day will be $85 or two days at $140. Registration is limited on both days. Cancellations received after February 22, 2017 will not be refunded. When limit for registration is reached, a waiting list will be maintained. Check or cash only to: Sharon L Morey, 60819 E. Arroyo Vista Dr., Oracle, AZ, cell: 360-901-4875 or [email protected].
Registration forms, with Murphy-Jubb Gallery fliers, are available at SBR La Hacienda Clubhouse.