Kay, Sheron and Linda; photo by Steve Weiss

Sheron Jones; photo by Steve Weiss
Kay Lantow and Linda Nicholson
The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Club has invited Sheron Jones to speak at its monthly luncheon on Monday, June 12, 2017. Sheron is an American Gold Star Mother and President of the Tucson chapter. She is also coordinator of the annual Wreaths Across America event held at the Evergreen Cemetery in Tucson. She will share her experiences with and the history of this incredible movement initiated by the Worcester Wreath Company in 1992.
Since 2014 SaddleBrooke Ranch residents have participated in the annual event of laying Christmas wreaths at the gravesites of our fallen veterans. Kay Lantow and Linda Nicholson assist Sheron with fundraising and enlisting residents as volunteers. Beginning with only 10 volunteers that first year, the SBR Troopers have grown to nearly five dozen and helped to raise money for a good portion of the more than one thousand wreaths donated to the Tucson location last year.
Kay, Linda and the SBR Women’s Club committee members invite you to learn about this uplifting and gratifying event that spans the entire country from Arlington Cemetery in Virginia to cemeteries in communities throughout our 50 states. Kay will assist Sheron with fundraising and enlisting new volunteers to the SBR Trooper ranks. Once again tickets can be purchased for The Millions for Tucson raffle sponsored by Jim Click Automotive Team. All money raised from the raffle goes directly to purchasing more wreaths.
To reserve your place at the luncheon contact the Women’s Club. Look for their announcement of the event.
To learn more about Wreaths Across America, check out www.wreathsacrossamerica.org.