Dianne Johns
As our community grows, there are many fun and diverse events being planned for 2015!
Some of the upcoming events will include a wine tasting with appetizers, a super bowl party (on super bowl Sunday of course), a Valentine’s Day sock hop on Feb 14, Club Expo on March 31 and a concert in April with Billy Joel and Elton John music titled “Piano Man.”
We also have “continuing activities” planned, which will occur on a more regular basis. Watch for “Friday Night Flicks” at La Hacienda. Once sound systems and lighting are implemented there will be designated Friday nights where a movie will be shown. Food and/or drink can be purchased at the Bistro.
Our continuing lecture series began this year with various topics such as pet care, cruising, history of Oracle and the Sonoran Desert Museum. Lecture series are generally scheduled on the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday of the month.
If there are any topics you feel would be of interest, please contact Linda Shannon Hills. As we always enjoy new events and activities, any suggestions you have and are willing to assist with, please talk with a member of the SBR social committee. We all like to have fun at the Ranch!