Linda Shannon-Hills
We invite all levels of photographers to join PhotoWorks, a new photography club at SaddleBrooke Ranch. An introduction meeting, inviting all residents at the Ranch, was held on August 16 to assess the interest in this new club. At the meeting, Bob Hills presented a vision for the club including the proposed PhotoWorks’ mission to promote the art, science and fun of photography for the benefit and enjoyment of members and the SaddleBrooke Ranch community. Bob elaborated that people getting the most benefit from this club are photographers that are interested and motivated to improving the impact and creativity of their photography. The club is being designed to accept people at any skill level and to provide inspiration, encouragement and activities for them to advance as photographers. The activities will include monthly meetings, education and training, field trips, exhibitions and special interest groups. The emphasis for general meetings will be on presentations that inspire and motivate the membership while separate training workshops will be aimed at educating members by skill level.
PhotoWorks will not begin operating as a formal club until January. However, given the interest, general meetings are planned on November 5 and December 3 to kick-start club activities. The PhotoWorks Open Studio will start after the first general meeting. Open Studio is an informal, open-door time for people to come in with questions, share imagery or discuss anything photography; there are no formal agendas for Open Studio sessions. Bob said that the club hopes to expand their list of activities after the first of the year which include training and field trips as top priorities.
The club continues to welcome anyone with an interest in improving their photography. To reemphasize that all skill levels are welcome, the current skill level breakdown is 45 percent novice, 40 percent intermediate and 15 percent advanced – based on self-assessment. Anyone interested in joining can contact Alan Ness at For general questions about PhotoWorks, contact Bob Hills at You can also join via GroupWorks (if you are already registered) by looking for SBR PhotoWorks.
While Bob has been the spokesperson, he wishes to acknowledge all the folks that helped shape the vision for PhotoWorks. That includes: Denis Heck, Roger Bailey, Steve Weiss, Jean Morgan and Bob Hills.