Nancy McCluskey Moore and Camille Esterman
On Saturday, March 23, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) volunteers will gather donations of food and money to support the Tri-Community Food Bank (TCFB) based in Mammoth. TCFB serves needy families living in Mammoth, San Manuel and Oracle. Our community’s donations help to provide monthly emergency food boxes to 338 households (1,092 people). All monetary contributions go directly to grocery purchases and related expenses. Like SBCO, TCFB is an all-volunteer organization and is an IRS 501(c)(3) and AZ non-profit charitable organization.
TCFB meets a real need in the Tri-Community area, where 20% of households live below the poverty level and 10% are below 50% of the poverty level. It’s hard to provide food for your family, keep a roof over your head and buy gas to drive to your job if you don’t earn enough to cover all these daily living expenses.
SaddleBrooke Ranch will again be participating in the food drive. Bob Wample will be the coordinator for SBR again in 2019. You can contact him at or 559-696-3769. SBR unit coordinators will be working with additional volunteers in their respective units to collect food and other items, as well as cash (check) contributions and transport it for sorting to the MountainView Clubhouse in SaddleBrooke. Additional volunteers are needed to help sort food, box food and deliver it to TCFB in Mammoth.
Please consider volunteering your time and energy on the day of the drive.
If you prefer to make a monetary donation, please make out a check to SBCO and write “food drive” and your SBR unit number on the memo line. You can give your check to your unit rep, bring it on the day of the drive or mail it to SBCO, 63675 E. SaddleBrooke Blvd., Ste. L, Tucson, AZ 85739. Please remember that cash contributions have a multiplier factor or 5-7 times (i.e. a $10 contribution in the hands of the TCFB can buy $50-$70 worth of supplies).
Look for additional information and timetables in upcoming editions of the SaddleBrooke Ranch Roundup and SBR Weekly Reminders.