Did you know that essentially 100% of the donations by Friends of SaddleBrooke Libraries members are used to buy books and movies for our three libraries? In 2014, thanks to the generosity of 690 members and other supporters, we were able to give $27,821 in grants to help purchase 1,336 new books, audio books and videos.
These books and movies are accessible to the over 4,400 registered SaddleBrooke library users. In addition, FSL makes available lectures, trips and authors’ events for our entire SaddleBrooke community.
In 2015, FSL has added new benefits for members. Households who donate:
$20 or more, receive free admission to Friends lectures, advance e-mail notification of upcoming trips and programs and periodic discounts on programs or merchandise. So far 680 households receive these benefits in 2015.
$50 or more, are also entered into a drawing for one free ILR (Institute for Learning in Retirement) class. Mary Berg is our 2015 winner!
$100 or more, are also named on the donor list insert in fall Author’s Luncheon program. Fifty-eight members currently qualify.
$250 or more, are also entered into a drawing for one of two $50 gift certificates to a DesertView performance of your choice. Basil and Jane Andrew and Don and Jeannine Ekstedt are our 2015 winners!
$500 or more, also receive and upgrade of an Author’s Luncheon ticket for a seat at the author’s table. Four households qualify in 2015.
We buy the books that you read!
If you use the SaddleBrooke libraries or attend Friends events, please consider joining the Friends of the SaddleBrooke Libraries today. Membership forms are available at all three libraries and at www.FriendsSBLib.org. Your membership counts!