Nan Nasser
The annual Golden Goose Fashion Show will take place on Monday, September 14, at 3:00 p.m. in the MountainView Country Club Ballroom. This is the kick-off program for SaddleBrooke Community Outreach and will also include information about SBCO, upcoming Walkathon, Mustang car raffle tickets and assorted programs.
To be called “Touring Tucson,” the models will be wearing outfits found at GGTS that would be suitable for going to the opera, shopping the malls, bird watching, hiking and visiting many of our special sites around town. Coordinated by Betsy Lowry and featuring many of the GGTS volunteers, there will be an outfit for everyone!
Join the fun! This is open to the public and a great time to choose something special for a fall trip into or out of town.