APPL Season 2022 Has Begun!

The Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) kicked off season 2022. Team APPL was busy throughout the summer and fall preparing for our biggest season ever. More than 300 teams and over 3,000 players will play this year. SaddleBrooke Ranch belongs to the southern region of the APPL and has players of all levels joining in on the tournament play.

On Jan. 2, 2022, the representatives for the 3.5 SaddleBrooke Ranch ladies went to Udall Park to play in their first tournament. The 3.5 ladies, called Raging Ranchettes, have a total of 16 players. The ladies playing at Udall Park included Liza Front, Pam Steube, Denise Baker, Marnie Binney, Jody Oster, Sheila Davidson, and Polly Jones. They play their home games at the Ranch on Mondays from 2 to 4 p.m., so come cheer them on.