Jack Gibson

Tom McNamara
Barbara Williams
Mark your calendars for a double offering from Arizona Public Media. First, AZPM is extending an invitation for a Meet and Greet at the SaddleBrooke Activities Center on Tuesday, November 15, from 2-4 p.m. Tom McNamara, host of Arizona Illustrated, the weekly AZPM TV show and Jack Gibson, Director and General Manager of all operations of Arizona Public Media, will provide an informative program and answer questions.
Jack Gibson will provide an overview of the history and organization of AZPM. Did you know that besides PBS and local television programming radio, online media, education and community outreach are also included under the AZPM umbrella? He will also explain the relationship of PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), NPR (National Public Radio) and the University of Arizona with the AZPM.
Tom McNamara will give us “Behind the Scenes at Arizona Illustrated” information about the popular weekly program. This will include video clips and the process of selection of stories for the program will be covered.
Did you realize that Arizona Public Media local programming has been consistently winning Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards? This year AZPM has won the Governor’s Award, the top Rocky Mountain Emmy Award for the year. Come find out about this award and others.
Join other SaddleBrooke residents for a unique opportunity for dialogue with AZPM on November 15. There is no charge; however, space is limited within the Activities Center so insure a spot by reserving early. RSVPs will be accepted through Friday, November 11, by Margaret Falkowski, [email protected] or call 520-469-7268. Cookies and coffee will be served. There is limited parking (handicapped and car pool parking also) in the Activity Center lot and in front of the building. Additional parking is available above in the fitness center/gift shop lot. From the lot there are two easy accessible pathways with signs and handrails that lead to the Activity Center: one between the pool and fitness center, the other in back of the gift shop and bocce court.
Next, AZPM will be making another visit to SaddleBrooke when it returns on January 9, 2017. A sneak peek preview of Victoria, a Masterpiece PBS production will be presented before the January 15 TV premier at the DesertView Performing Arts Center. Only three screenings of Victoria are available to AZPM from PBS, of which the SaddleBrooke community has been given first choice.
AZPM is bringing back Dr. Jerrold E. Hogle, PhD, University Distinguished Professor from the University of Arizona and speaker at the Downton Abbey program, to give us background for the series. Remember when the smash hit Downton Abbey the final season was previewed December 14, 2016? The response quickly completely filled the 480 seats of DesertView Theater. PBS rumors abound that Victoria will be the new Downton Abbey. Unit 32 volunteers Margaret Falkowski, Patty Killoran and Barb Williams hope the SaddleBrooke community will benefit from the sharing efforts of Arizona Public Media. Watch for more details on Victoria!