Zentangle: Itty-Bitty Projects
Erin Newman
Join the SaddleBrooke Ranch Art Club for another adventure with Zentangle. Val Barsevich, a certified Zentangle teacher, will teach another in our series of classes this year. The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It increases focus and creativity, provides artistic satisfaction along with an increased sense of personal well-being.
This class is appropriate for beginners with the Zentangle Method as well as those who have taken classes before.
In this class, we will feature small projects on Bijou tiles (1.5” x 1.5”) that pack an enormous amount of Zentangle flair. The first project uses a technique called a Whatz-It! Your finished tile will have a layered effect sprinkled with several tangle patterns.
The second project combines watercolor washes in a technique called Map Tangling—we will tangle on patches of watercolor washes that are surrounded like islands with blank spaces on our tiles.
It’s going to be an afternoon of fun and relaxation as well as full of creativity. Anyone can do Zentangle—any age, any skill level, any past artistic experience or success!
Date for Class: Thursday, March 14
Time: 1 to 3:30 p.m.
Class Fee: $45
Class Size: Minimum: 5, Maximum: 15
Registration Deadline Date: Thursday, March 7
Materials the Instructor Will Provide: New Zentangle students will receive a beginning kit of materials (pencil, Micron 01 black pen, pencil sharpener, tortillon, Zentangle tiles, small artist kit bag). Val will provide colored pens and pastel pencils for all.
Materials Participants Should Bring: If you are a prior student, Val provided the items above. Therefore, those students need to bring those supplies. All students need to bring a sketch book or sheets of paper (computer copy paper is fine) to record notes and to practice tangles.
Registration: Go to GroupWorks. Click on “Events.” Click on “I’m Going.” Confirmation is depositing your check in the Art Club lockbox outside the Art Room door (remember there are TWO lockboxes now, be sure to use the one you’ve always used) within five days of your “I’m Going” registration. Please do not click “I’m Going” unless you intend to take the class.
Gillian Allard’s Tapestry Mosaic Saguaro Cactus Class
Cathy Ratliff
Gillian Allard, who has taught mosaic tapestry art to the members of the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Art Club through several different classes, is returning to teach an 8-inch Saguaro Cactus beaded project. This class will be held on Thursday, April 4. It will be an all-day class from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a break for lunch. If you shop at the Southern Arizona Arts Guild store in La Encantada, you may have seen her artwork of tapestry mirrors and panels. She has been creating functional mosaics for more than 12 years and teaching for over eight.
Class Description: Create your own beautiful, beaded cactus using tapestry mosaic techniques. For this class, we will use an 8-inch wooden cutout cactus, strung seed beads, plus other beads and charms to add visual interest. Once you have mastered this technique, you can cover other shapes to create fun art projects. Everything you need will be provided to make a green cactus with a charm and beads. This will be a fun class, and your beautiful mosaic cactus will be completed in one day.
Date for Class: Thursday, April 4
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We will start at 10 a.m. and work for 3 hours; then we will break for lunch and come back at 2 p.m. to finish the project.
Class Fee: $90. Please deposit your check made out to the SBR Art Club within five days of registering.
Class Size: Minimum: 4, Maximum: 12
Registration Deadline Date: Monday, April 1
Materials the Instructor Will Provide: Gillian will provide everything you need to make a green cactus with charms and beads. More specific instructions will be provided about a week before class.
Materials Participants Can Bring If They Want: For a multicolored cactus, bring your own seed beads, orange, purple, yellow, or turquoise work well, and additional beads for texture.
Registration: Go to GroupWorks. Click on “Events.” Click on “I’m Going.” Confirmation is depositing your check in the lockbox outside the Art Room door. Please deposit your check within five days of registering. Otherwise, you will not be considered registered. Classes fill up quickly, so your check is confirmation. Please do not click “I’m Going” unless you intend to take the class.
Reminder: All participants must be members of the SBR Art Club. If you are new and want to join the SBR Art Club, go onto GroupWorks, and the membership application to download is located within the Art Club “About” section. There are also copies of the membership form located right outside the Art Room door. If you have difficulty, contact Dale Farland at [email protected]. Membership for the SBR Art Club in 2024 is only $25.

See what you can create in the upcoming paper quilling class! (Photo by Erin Newman)
Paper Quilling a Feather!
Erin Newman
Erin Newman, SaddleBrooke Ranch resident and Southern Arizona Arts Guild artist, will once again be offering her expertise with another paper quilling class. This class will be focused on a feather!
Class Description: Students will learn how to roll paper and form them to create different shapes, which will then be transformed into an incredible feather.
Date for Class: Monday, March 25
Time: 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Class Fee: $45. Please deposit your check, made out to the SBR Art Club within five days of registering.
Class Size: Minimum: 5, Maximum: 15
Payment Deadline Date: Wednesday, March 20
Materials the Instructor Will Provide: All materials will be provided with the exception listed below.
Materials Participants Should Bring: Fine-tipped tweezers; fine-tipped scissors, small microfiber-type cloth (to remove glue from fingers/project); reading glass (if needed for close-up work) and water (hydration). Also, if you have your own quilling tools/supplies, feel free to bring those along.
Registration: Go into GroupWorks and click on “I’m Going.” Confirmation is depositing your check in the lockbox outside the Art Room door. Please deposit your check (made out to the SBR Art Club) within five days of registering. Otherwise, you will not be considered registered. Classes fill up quickly, so your check is confirmation. Please do not click “I’m Going” unless you intend to take the class.
Reminder: Membership for SBR Art Club in 2024 is only $25. If you are a returning member, simply deposit your check made out to the SBR Art Club in the black lockbox outside of the Art Room door.
New SBR Art Class: Pencil Drawing on Black Paper
Dale Farland
Artist Rebekah Vermeulen is returning to SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) to teach a different dimension of pencil art on Wednesday, March 27, from 2 to 4 p.m. Rebekah taught an earlier class utilizing watercolor pencils, and it was well received by the students. It was a new art medium for many of us. In March, she will be teaching a different technique that explores drawing on black paper and allowing the pencils to highlight the subject matter. The black paper accentuates the subject matter—allowing it to “pop” off the page. This class is open to beginners as well as those with experience.
Rebekah Vermeulen is a mixed media artist who started drawing after being diagnosed with and battling an autoimmune disease at 18 years old. In the years following, as her health improved, Rebekah began painting and discovered a growing passion for art. She is a graduate of Milan Art Institute, where she learned to combine both traditional and contemporary painting techniques with her own expressive style. In addition to a solo art show at Oro Valley’s Artist & Makers Studios, her work has been featured in local businesses, gallery exhibitions, and fundraising events. Rebekah is passionate about the healing and transformative power of art and encouraging others to brave the gift of creativity within themselves.
Class Description: With this class, students will learn different drawing skills and how to express themselves with the technique of having black paper as their canvas. Students will be utilizing a combination of colored pencils (or watercolor pencils) and white chalk. Even if you have never tried drawing before, this class will teach you techniques that you can apply to drawings in the class or in the future.
Date for Class: Wednesday, March 27
Time: 2 to 4 p.m.
Class Fee: $35
Class Size: Minimum: 5, Maximum: 15
Registration Deadline Date: Wednesday, March 20
Materials the Instructor Will Provide: Black paper and reference photos
Materials Participants to Bring: Colored pencils (or watercolor pencils) and white chalk (all materials can be found at Walmart, Amazon, or any craft store)
Registration: Go to GroupWorks. Click on “Events.” Click on “I’m Going.” Please deposit your check within five days of registering. Otherwise, you will not be considered registered. Classes fill up quickly, so your check is confirmation. Please do not click “I’m Going” unless you intend to take the class.
Reminder: All participants must be members of the SBR Art Club. If you want to join the SBR Art Club, go online to GroupWorks and download the membership application located in the “About” section at the top. Membership forms are also located outside the art room door. If you have difficulty, contact Dale Farland at [email protected]. Membership for the SBR Art Club in 2024 is only $25.