
Colorado Club Members Enjoy Progressive Dinner

On April 24, 50 members of SaddleBrooke Ranch’s Colorado Club gathered for the annual progressive dinner. Phyllis and Terry Pettijohn and Lowell and Toni Graves each hosted half the group for the social hour that featured cocktails and appetizers. Next, Sandra and Dick Getter, Dennis and Donna Joannides, Phyllis and Terry Pettijohn, Nancy Reif and…

Community Church at SaddleBrooke Welcomes You

Dick Kroese At Community Church at SaddleBrooke, a community of grace, Easter and celebrating the resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ is as special as it can get. The good thing too is that Community Church is right here in SaddleBrooke. We meet at the DesertView Performing Arts Center at 9 a.m. every Sunday, and…

Welcome New Neighbors

Linda Harvey and Linda Shannon-Hills Please extend a warm welcome to the 19 new homeowners who moved to SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) in April 2022. The new homeowners are listed at the end of this article. Some of these new homeowners appear in the pictures on this page. As you see, the photos are a great…

Community Garden Party

Members of the Community Garden got together at the garden on the evening of May 12 to celebrate the spring growing season. Talk of tomatoes, salad blends, spring garlic/onions, and herbs brought us together for the first potluck of the year. Not only do we all have green thumbs, we found there are a bunch…

Derby Days at the Ranch

Beth Chamberlin The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association hosted a cocktail party for the competitors in the Member Guest Tournament on the evening of April 25. Phyllis Pettijohn’s beautiful backyard, overlooking the 15th fairway, was the setting for this lovely event. The ladies were all decked out in their derby hats for cocktails and delicious…

Singing and Sipping in the Wind

Janelle Authur After 73 happy hours, it is not always easy for members of Unit 8A to come up with fresh ideas for their monthly happy hour gatherings. But, the unit did it again with “Sing, Sip, and a Sunset” at its 74th happy hour on April 20. Planning for the 74th happy hour started…

Tournament Time at the Ranch

Jeff Smith, Chairman, SBR Pickleball Club Communications Committee The SBR Pickleball Club staged its own internal tournament May 5 through 7 to celebrate the Cinco de Mayo holiday. In case you didn’t know, Cinco de Mayo, or the fifth of May, is a holiday that celebrates the date of the Mexican army’s May 5, 1862,…

Unit Happenings

Unit 6 Whiskey and Brew Tasting Linda Chase Unit 6 residents participated in a fun-filled evening of whiskey tastings hosted by Bill and Jackie St. Clair. Unit 6 residents also enjoyed the beautiful SaddleBrooke Ranch scenery outside while sipping cocktails and chatting around the St. Clair’s outdoor fire pit. It was another hugely successful Unit…

Community Circle Players: Creating a Professional Soundstage

Ron Andrea If you’ve ever attended a concert or theater performance and you couldn’t hear or understand what the performers were saying, you can appreciate the importance of quality sound. Creating a professional soundstage in which every voice is clearly understood is no simple matter—especially for senior audiences. It not only requires professional technology, but…

Member Guest Golf Tournament Winners

Beth Chamberlin The SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) hosted the 2nd annual Member Guest Tournament on April 26. Forty-two teams competed in the event that was sponsored by Robson Resort Communities. The event ran very smoothly and was a huge success thanks to the volunteer committee that worked extremely hard to plan and execute this…