Lorraine Smith “Diner en Blanc” is a worldwide event, spanning six continents, in which people gather in a public space and set up a chic dining area. Guests come dressed in white to enjoy quality food and wine. The event was founded in 1988 by Frenchman Francois Pasquier. On Oct. 10, a simpler “Diner en…
November 2019, December 2019
Lady Niners brunch
Janice Neal The SaddleBrooke Ranch Lady Niners golfers had a lovely brunch on Sept. 24. We weren’t able to golf that day because of the monsoon rain. All members were invited to attend, whether or not they were planning to golf that day. Thirteen ladies attended, and we reserved La Montana Room in La Hacienda Club for…
November 2019, December 2019
Third annual SBR Mahjongg Cards for Charity
Janice Neal Mahjongg is a very popular game at SaddleBrooke Ranch, and we have many players new to the game as well as those who have played for years. There are weekly games played on Thursdays in La Hacienda Club (and sometimes lessons), coordinated by Gail Latimer and Bonnie Goldman. There are multiple private groups who have…
November 2019, December 2019
Oracle’s community chorus honors Veterans on November 10
The Oracle Piano Society proudly presents the Voices in the Oaks Chorale in a special community concert on Sunday, Nov. 10, at 3 p.m. at the Oracle Center for the Arts, located at 700 E. Kingston St. in Oracle. Veterans are invited to attend the concert free of charge as the chorus celebrates those who have risked their lives…
November 2019, December 2019
November is American Diabetes Month
Nancy Teeter One in ten Americans have diabetes—that’s more than 30 million people. And another 84 million adults in the United States are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. You can use this month to raise awareness about diabetes risk factors and encourage people you care about to make healthy changes. Diabetes is…
November 2019, December 2019
Putters congratulate Donna Lura
Jacque Hendricks and Camille Esterman Ranchette Putter Donna Lura putted in the first round of the hole-in-one competition at the Golfer Appreciation Day and made a hole-in-one! Donna went on to the second round, where she joined only one other person who had an “official” hole-in-one and three others whose shots were closest to the…
November 2019, December 2019
Shalom Club breaks the fast together
Kim Schweitzer For the second year in a row, nearly 30 Shalom Club members “broke challah and bagels” together in the Hacienda Club. The occasion—the end of a fast day and Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central…
November 2019, December 2019
Gold sponsor addresses Putters
Camille Esterman Dennis Eckmeyer, a SaddleBrooke Ranch resident and New York Life agent, is a new gold level sponsor of the Ranchette Putters. He addressed the group during an informative social hour and explained the services he provides, as well as some of the pitfalls and challenges faced in retirement. The Ranchette Putters thank Eckmeyer and all our…
November 2019, December 2019
Tips to ease the stress of holiday travel
David J. Ramirez Holidays are a wonderful time of the year, and it’s also one of the busiest times to travel. If you’re planning to fly through “America’s Friendliest Airport” during this busy time of year, Phoenix Sky Harbor has some tips to ease the stress of holiday travel. Arrive early – Sky harbor recommends a…
November 2019, December 2019
Help out by having fun!
Anne Grant Everyone loves a win-win! Please gather your friends together to support a truly amazing organization. Come have the afternoon of your life on Sunday, Nov. 17 at 3 p.m. seeing The Gaslight Theatre’s fun, new musical Christmas show, The Secret Santa. Profits from your $24 ticket go towards supporting the caring and compassionate non-profit…