
Line dance lessons with Rebecca at the Ranch

In trying to keep up with the times, we seniors need to learn how to take “selfies.” For those unfamiliar, you hold your camera at arm’s length pointing back at yourself and snap a picture of yourself. Here is one of my best attempts to date. And the kids say we are tech challenged! Photo provided by Mark Magdanz, avid selfie enthusiast. undefined

Dr. Mark Magdanz With the summer season going fast, we’ll take some time to update you on the 2014 fall line dance plan. Both dance levels have classes starting October 1. This time we are having a shorter series of about nine due to holidays, etc. A new series for both dance levels will then…

Still time to join the tennis fun!

Photo by Bob Hills. undefined

Mark Wong Let’s face it, there’s a lot to do here at the Ranch. And now that September has arrived, the cooler weather will follow. That’s why this is a perfect time to join the SBRTA. Just look at all the exciting tennis activities planned in the next several weeks. GROUP PRO TENNIS LESSONS –…

2014 SBR Couples Golf event is announced

Jack and Karen Gressingh The SaddleBrooke Men’s Golf Association (SBRMGA) is pleased to announce that it will once again be hosting the annual couples competitive golf event on November 9, 2014, at the SaddleBrooke Ranch Golf Course. It will be a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. The early notice is provided so that residents can…

Amazon Smile Foundation

Nan Nasser Do you shop on Would you like a percentage of your purchase price to help needy youngsters in our area? Then AmazonSmile Foundation is for you! When you are ready to shop, go to Millions of items are eligible for a five percent donation to SaddleBrooke Community Outreach and are marked…

The Transplanted Gardener

Zann Wilson ASTROPHYTUM CACTI Most newcomers to desert gardening are put off by the many cacti that insist on fighting us with dangerous spines and glochids. It is refreshing to the aspiring gardener to find a cactus which is uniquely architectural in appearance and yet accepts a friendly touch without drawing human blood. Astrophytum myriostigma…

Antique appraisal event

Do you have one of those old upright manual typewriters which you have been thinking of turning into a lamp of interest? Mine is on the top shelf of the linen closet, but it could be worth several hundred dollars if not thousands…a wishful thought. Find out what your treasure is worth by joining Arizona…

Free gift bags at Health Fair

Gift bags from Walgreens will be at the Health Fair in October. undefined

“Our relationship with the SaddleBrooke Community means so much to us at Walgreens that we wanted to show our support this year by donating gift bags to the first 1,500 attendees at the Health Fair on October 18,” says Lisa Espich, Walgreens Community Leader. Walgreens will offer flu and pneumonia shots as well as the…

Sharpen your horticultural skills at the Gardeners Exchange

Gardeners Exchange Tues., September 9, 2014, 1:00 p.m. La Hacienda Club SaddleBrooke Ranch Join The Gardeners Exchange on September 9 at 1:00 p.m. for an afternoon of horticultural education with Phil Seader, owner of Green Things Nursery in Tucson. Phil’s voice is familiar from his weekly radio call-in Q and A on 1030 AM Radio…

Riding Group saddles up for the fall season

Rebecca Williams follows the group at the Donnelly’s D Spur Ranch on March 6, 2013. undefined

Don Williams As cooler weather approaches it is a great time to get out and enjoy the beautiful Arizona scenery by horseback. The SaddleBrooke Ranch Riding Group is planning a full schedule of rides for the fall season. These rides are for all experience levels, and those who have not been on a horse in…

Golf-Fit at SaddleBrooke Ranch

Beginning Wednesday, September 3, at 10:10 a.m. in the Group Fitness Room, please join Bridget for “Golf-Fit.” This fitness class is designed to improve mindfulness, body awareness and mechanics, strength, mobility, flexibility, balance and endurance. Golf-Fit will utilize disciplines including: Yoga, Pilates, resistance bands, free weights, workout balls plus weight bearing exercises selected with fitness…