

Former Lt. William Myers, CEC, USN The Catalina Mountain Chapter (CMC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held a luncheon meeting on Oct. 19 at SaddleBrooke Ranch. The meeting began with a business session presided over by retired Col. Rett Benedict, U.S. Air Force, former President and Board Member, during which members were…

The National Parks Club Speaker Series

Linda Harvey Our Speaker Series continued on Oct. 2 with a discussion on two National Park sites: Fort Davis National Historic Site (NHS) and Blackwell School NHS. Fort Davis NHS is located in west Texas. This fort was built in 1854. At the time it was one of the largest posts on the frontier with…

SBR Technology Club Membership Update

Big news …. price markdown! In order to combat historically high inflation and prices, the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Technology Club Board has lowered its annual club membership dues to $30 for an individual membership and $45 for a joint membership. These dues were previously $45 and $60, respectively. So all the great benefits that you…

Art Club Classes – December 2024

How to Register for Art Club Classes Go to Current members: Log into your account that you have established on Club Express. Click on the class under Upcoming Events. This will take you to the payment page and provide information for registering and paying by credit card for the class. New members: Click NEW…

Art Club Meeting on December 18

Debby Felzien 2024 has been quite a year for the SBR Art Club! We are inviting our members to reminisce with us and celebrate what we feel are some exciting achievements. This will be the last general meeting of the year, and it will be a party! Mark your calendars for the third Wednesday, on…

See You in 2025!

Debora Witten Creating with Friends has come to an end for 2024. The afternoon events for October and November were fun experiences with everyone doing a fast pastel color sketch with their non-dominant hand. Amazing results happened with the use of two colors creating windows into the beginnings of a vision board. The vision boards…

Ending Hunger

Daniel Engeljohn Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church is designated as a Hunger Action Congregation in the Presbyterian Church (USA). We focus on what our small congregation of less than 100 active worshipers can do. To address immediate needs, we host numerous food donation drives specific to nonperishable items. We address longer-term, structural solutions through how we…