
September Putters’ Stats

Pat Albu Due to the golf course being closed for two weeks in September (horrors!), the women only had two weeks to rack up their stats. Here they are: September Gross Winners Lowest Gross Average: Doris Carlin 34.5 Second lowest: (tie) Lu Legel 36.0, Linda Noble 36.0 Third lowest: (tie) Amy Donaldson 36.5, Evelyn Silver…

SBRWGA in Love with Golf

Patti Jo Lewis The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) is loving golf! Here’s a recap of recent autumn events. Take Sadie Out to the Ballgame The annual Sadie Hawkins Tournament was held on Sept. 3 with a great turnout of golfers. Sadie lady golfers paired up with a male partner—as long as it was…

Play Your Best Pool: Practice with a Purpose

Johnny Henson, Professor Pool Are you a player struggling to improve your billiards game? If so, do you find it hard to differentiate between practicing and playing? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then you’re not alone. As a coach and mentor to many students, I feel the lack of true focus…

Putters August Winners!

Pat Albu As it was in July, we had a very hot month in August, but the full-time Putters came out en masse. And many of them putted really well in the heat! Congratulations to the following monthly winners: August Gross Winners Lowest average: Barbara Saffran 32.667 2nd lowest: Evie Falk 33.333 3rd lowest: (tie)…

Relishing Pickleball: Be The Best You

David Zapatka Two months ago, we wrote an article on being the best partner. This month is about being the best you on the court by focusing on your skills to strengthen your side of the partnership. Open space—The best players I’ve played against in my pickleball-playing career have been the ones who could create…

What Can We Count On Anymore?

Kathy Sinnott At the time of this writing, the outcome of the 2024 presidential election is unknown. What is the future of our nation? The angst of this uncertainty has many folks asking the question, ‘who and what can we count on anymore?’ An answer can be found within the Rockin’ 4 Heroes’ mission: we…

Conservative/Republican Club News

Nancy Borcalli Please Note: The Conservatives in Action will not hold General Meetings in November and December 2024. In place of our regularly scheduled meetings, on Nov. 14 and Dec. 12, special events are being planned for “Members Only.” Details of each event will be emailed to each member. Officer Elections for Conservatives in Action…