
Technology Club June Classes

Jeff Kaczmarek Your SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Tech Club has been working to set an informative and interesting lineup of classes for the month of June. Please note the following upcoming classes: * June 4 from 9 a.m. to noon: Basics of 3D Printing on our Prusa Machine * June 6 from 1 to 3 p.m:…

Woodworkers Club Builds Bookcases for Young Readers

Bren Hirschberg Saddlebrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) has a summer reading program for the communities north of us in Pinal County. Each year, new first–graders are given several age-appropriate books to read during the summer, from first through sixth grade. They also give each student a bookcase to keep all the books they receive. A group…

Unit Happenings – June 2024

Units 3 and 4A Spring Fling The end of April saw Units 3 and 4A come together for their second combined unit event in a cul-de-sac for a Spring Fling. The weather was perfect outside for residents to bring their chairs and enjoy a concert performed by the band Total Recall. Total Recall hails from…

Welcome New Neighbors

Linda Shannon-Hills Welcome to our new homeowners moving into our beautiful community in the last few months. We have a wonderful welcome program for all new residents to SaddleBrooke Ranch. We encourage all new residents to visit the SBR HOA Desk to meet Jamie Shipley, located at the opposite end of the Ranch House Grill,…

Oracle Schools Foundation – June 2024

Celebrating Our Success! Ann Vernon Members of the Oracle Schools Foundation Spring Fling Gala planning committee met at the home of Ann and Nile Vernon to celebrate a successful event that raised over $65,000 to help support kindergarten prep and related educational programs in the Mountain Vista School District in Oracle. This has been our…

Pickleball Easter Ball Hunt

Easter fun came to the Ranch in the form of an Easter ball hunt at the Pickleball courts. Lucky hunter Katie Lundgren found the golden ball and won a gift certificate to PickleballCentral courtesy of our official sponsor,