
Visit the Vista United Methodist Church Labyrinth

Sharon Scanlan People all over the world have created Labyrinths for thousands of years. They have been used as symbols by cultures from Peru to Iceland to Sumatra, and have been depicted in many different mediums—imprinted on coins, woven into baskets, laid in stone in European churches, dug into turf, and carved into rock faces.…

Cuckoos Are Back Again With “The Big Day”

Jim Hoagland Each year the Tucson Audubon Society (TAS) conducts a Birdathon to raise funds to support the important work they do. Their mission is “inspiring people to enjoy and protect birds through recreation, education, conservation, and restoration of the environment.” They provide educational Zoom programs, field trip outings, and in-person socials such as the…

Thank You for Donating to the Shoe Drive!

Debora Witten A big thank you to SaddleBrook Ranch residents! Dinking Divas of SaddleBrooke Ranch held their shoe drive and received twice the number of shoes as last year. This large donation is all due to the very generous people who live here in the Ranch. The shoes will be distributed to five locations serving…

Dinking Divas Presented with an OWL Paddle

Debora Witten The Dinking Divas of SaddleBrooke Ranch were presented with a complimentary new OWL paddle to try during their recreational pickleball play. OWL Sport presented the OWL paddle to Debora Witten, founder of the Dinking Divas of SaddleBrooke Ranch, with the understanding that the paddle would be shared with the Divas so OWL Sport…

Stand With Israel Club Welcomes Professor Gerald Steinberg, President of NGO Monitor

Don’t miss this one! Bring your friends! Professor Gerald Steinberg is the founder and president of NGO Monitor and Professor Emeritus at Bar Ilan University. His presentation is titled “Follow the Money”—looking toward the sources of funding to nongovernment organizations (NGOs) that support terror, antisemitism, and BDS. The event is April 8, at 7 p.m.,…