
Fluid Art Classes

Diane Verkuylen-Murphy Many interested art students explored the possibilities of acrylic pouring this past fall and winter at the Art Club in Saddlebrooke Ranch (SBR). SBR resident and instructor, Diane Verkuylen-Murphy, has taught several abstract fluid art classes and most recently the techniques of the open cup and ring pour. In this class, the students…

Don’t Miss Out!

Kathy Sinnott As a Board Member of the Arizona Heroes Memorial, I also work at The Cottage of Immaculate Heart. The Cottage is a unique thrift shop in Oro Valley—a definite “one–of–a–kind” experience. So, what does this fact have to do with the Memorial? I often encounter patrons who visit The Cottage and quickly return…

Ranchette Putters Announce Roadrunner of the Year

Pat Albu The SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Ranchette Putters met for a luncheon on Jan. 11 in the Sol Ballroom, and Doris Carlin was announced as the Roadrunner of the Year! Doris had the lowest gross average among all the members, at 35.189. This was quite an accomplishment, and for her efforts, she won $35 in prize…

Arizona Pickleball Players League Teams

Debora Witten Here’s a look at some SaddleBrooke Ranch Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) teams. APPL’s unique team concept allows for a combination of convenience, community, and competition with other players in the state. From beginners to pros, anyone can join and experience the joy of pickleball, with a chance to compete in a season-end…

Paint With Icing at March 24 Workshop

Patti West Art isn’t just about paint and canvas. How about trying icing and cupcakes? Come learn exquisite decorating from a master pastry chef in time for the spring holidays and take home your beautiful cupcake creations! The SBR Painters Club workshop will be from 1 to 4 p.m. on March 24 in the Art Room of…

Battle for the Saddle March 27 through 30

Saddle up and join in the fun at the 2nd annual Battle for the Saddle to be held March 27 through 30 at the SaddleBrooke Tennis Center at 64335 E. SaddleBrooke Blvd. Doubles teams from SaddleBrooke Ranch and SaddleBrooke will face off in friendly competition to win the coveted Battle for the Saddle trophy. Spectators are…

What Is Pickleball?

Come join the fun and find out! Learn about pickleball on Tuesday, March 12, at 3 p.m. Please arrive 15 minutes early at the Ramada for paperwork. Space is limited to 28 people, so visit our website at to register, then click on “Click to reserve a space” below the flyer information. What you’ll need for…

Dinking Divas Shoe Drive on March 12

The Dinking Divas of SaddleBrooke Ranch have again been asked to host a shoe drive at SaddleBrooke Ranch. It will occur on Tuesday, March 12, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Last year the Divas collected more than 1,000 pairs of shoes. The shoes are distributed to five locations serving homeless women, men, and children in…