
SBRWOW Christmas Party December 21

Deb McGiboney The SaddleBrooke Ranch Women of Wine (SBRWOW) club meets on the third Thursday of every month from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Ranch House Grill in the Sol Ballroom. Our next SBRWOW event is Thursday, Dec. 21, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Sol Ballroom! There is a $1 cash-only admission fee. This is our second WOW Christmas Party!…

October Was a Busy Month for the SBRWGA

Debbie Ferguson Welcome back, golf fans! September may have been a slow golf month, however, your SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association (SBRWGA) made up for it in October. The month started with the annual meeting. Several bylaws were passed. Please see the SBRWGA website for the details. This important information is much too boring to print…

Ranchette Putters Milestone: 200 Members Strong

The SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Ranchette Putters formed a club in 2014 with just a few members. Since then, we have reached a milestone of 200 members and counting. To celebrate, the Ranchette Putters held a special member tournament titled Bewitching Puttering Pumpkins. Vicki Thompson, event chairman, and her committee organized the tournament with special Halloween-themed obstacles on…

Ranchette Putters October Award Winners

Pam Engelhardt Ranchette Putters announce the following October Award winners: Gross Average Lowest Gross Average—Roxanne Watson—34.667 Second lowest Gross Average—Sue Marx—36.333 Third Lowest Gross Average—Trish Minard—37.80 Net Average Lowest Net Average—Terry Menning—36.467 Second Lowest Net Average—Sharon Steen—36.767 Third Lowest Net Average—Corky Mansmith—37.633 Holes–In–One Doris Carlin, Amy Donaldson, Cindy Kreis, and Terri Manning—Six Holes-in-One Evelyn Silver—Eight Holes-in-One

Shopping in the Ranch Ballroom

Debora Witten Callie Rose presented a Fall and Holiday Boutique at the SaddleBrooke Ranch Ballroom, and some members of the Dinking Divas of SaddleBrooke Ranch gathered for the shopping. Present were Raynelle Duhl, Judy Abadia, Vida Kaczmarek, Sharon Steen, Gayle Richey, Debora Witten, Mary Schneck, and Jackie Elphic.

Can’t Drill?

Debora Witten Kara Petersen rents the pickleball machine when she is unable to drill with her pickleball friends. Set the speed and direction, and the pickleball machine almost makes it appear as if you are playing singles in pickleball.

SBR Tennis Association ‘POPATEERS’

Deb McGiboney POP is HOT at the SaddleBrooke Ranch Tennis Association. Come join the POPATEERS on Thursday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. on court 6 and from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on courts 5 and 6. Whether you are new to POP Tennis or an active POP player, we welcome all players. If…