Going on vacation? Bring home from your hotel stay those unopened bottles of shampoo, conditioner or lotion and Kid’s Closet will put them to good use. Annually in the spring and fall Kid’s Closet provides school wardrobes to approximately 3,300 needy children in our tri-county area. In addition to shoes, clothing and books, they are given soap, toothpaste and a toothbrush. Children in grades 4 and above particularly appreciate receiving a small bag of hotel toiletries instead of the soap.
Donations of hotel toiletries are collected all year long and can be delivered to the SaddleBrooke Community Outreach office located at Suite L in the SaddleBrooke market complex during regular weekday office hours. The office phone number is 825-3302. SaddleBrooke Ranch residents can bring their donations to the front desk at the Clubhouse. Jan Olsson, who picks up those donations, can be contacted at 825-7283. Toiletry donations also can be brought to the Kid’s Closet in Mammoth when volunteering. Stalwart volunteer Willie Reich bags the collected items, which then are distributed to students when they shop at Kid’s Closet in the fall and spring.