Calling All SaddleBrooke Ranch Artists! Looking for Teachers for SBR Art Club

Dale R. Farland

Now is the time to share your talents with members of the SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Art Club. You may have taught classes previously elsewhere. You may never have taught classes previously, but you have experience in an art medium and you are willing to share your talent.

Believe it or not, the revitalized SBR Art Club is just a year old. We have had classes in pencil drawing, paper quilling, and acrylic, watercolor, and oil painting. We have brought in different art mediums such as mosaic panels, mosaic stepping stones, collage, Zentangle, and mixed media.

We are offering wine glass painting and tie-dying this summer and are hoping to have classes in pastels and watercolor powders in the fall.

We are always looking for teachers of traditional art and have a few teachers lined up. Some teachers have moved away, such as our previous instructor for pencil drawing. We would also like to offer what might be referred to as “nontraditional” art—enjoyment is not limited to just one art medium! What about gourd painting? Wouldn’t that be a great class? We also hope to have a rock painting class. Let’s expand our horizons.

We know there are artists out there in SBR. Just look at all the talent displayed during the ARTwalk! Teachers are compensated—no one teaches for free. We just try to keep the class prices reasonable for its students.

So, if you are one of those artists or if you know someone and can encourage him or her to teach, please contact us. We are also looking at different avenues to obtain teachers. We have contacted SaddleBrooke and we have contacted local artists who teach at other venues. We are inviting artists associated with the Oracle Artists Collective to teach here. Another suggestion is that if you attend an art fair and see an artist you think is interesting and might be willing to teach here, pick up his or her business card and send it our way. Just deposit it in the lock box outside the Art Room.

We are looking forward to having residents helping us by providing their artistic expertise and/or names of artists.

Please feel free to contact the board officers or leave information in the lockbox:

Erin Newman, president, [email protected]

Debby Felzien, secretary, [email protected]

Dale Farland, treasurer, [email protected]