Jack Davis
Linda Shannon-Hills
SaddleBrooke Ranch residents welcomed Jack Davis, MS, author of the book Cash Out! Retire on your own Terms, Live Well and Die Happy. Jack teaches four two-hour courses at the University of Arizona on Retirement based on this book. We had an opportunity to hear a portion of Jack’s courses, focusing on Part 3: Die Happy, Creating a Legacy.
Many of us think of a legacy as leaving money for our loved ones when we move on, but Jack challenges us to think a bit further at leaving a legacy of life remembrances to our families. What are the events or activities that shaped you to the person you are today? Sharing the advice you wish you had received at the beginning of adulthood, as well as the biggest mistakes you made or the greatest triumphs in your life.
He suggests creating a gratitude journal of the people in your life that helped to shape your life. Write a letter to each of those people telling them why they have made such a strong impact, something you can share now or save for later.
The most important legacy is your family’s values. Have family meetings to communicate these values and how to get your family involved to create a charitable giving activity. It does not always need to be monetary as it could include volunteering time to a charity as a one-time event or a repeatable activity.
He encourages us to strive to leave the world a better place. Sharing with your family your values and beliefs may be the most important part of your legacy.
This presentation was only one section of the retirement process. We look forward to Jack’s return to talk with us on retirement on our terms and enhancing our life to live well.