Category: Features

Word of the Month: Elysian

David Zapatka Reader Kim Park writes, “I frequent Elysian Spa here in Chandler. I love their name, Elysian, which is one of my favorite words. You might want to research this word for a future WOTM column.” Elysian—ely·sian i-ˈli-zhən; ih-lizh-uhn adjective: blissful or delightful in a way that seems otherworldly; of, relating to, or resembling…

In Passing – January 2025

Joseph (Joe) R. Esterman Joe Esterman was born on April 11, 1945, in Chicago, Ill. On Nov. 29, 2024, at the age of 79, he passed away. Joe enjoyed a very full life with his wife of 55+ years, Camille. They spent most of their married life in the Chicago suburbs, with short corporate moves…

Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Suzanne Marlatt Stewart A new year often signifies a fresh start for many people. For some, this means setting healthy goals. However, some of the health and wellness resolutions chosen are highly restrictive and not attainable, leading most people to break their resolutions. It’s important to make resolutions that can not only improve health but…

SBR Newcomers Welcome Gathering Is January 22

Linda Shannon-Hills Don’t be overwhelmed with moving to SaddleBrooke Ranch. It’s a new community, new state, new home… “Where do I find all the information to make settling into this new community easier?” Come to the Newcomers Welcome gathering on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025. The presentation starts at 3 p.m. Come early, at 2:30 p.m.,…

Welcome New Neighbors

Linda Shannon-Hills Welcome to our new homeowners moving into our beautiful community in the last few months. We have a wonderful welcome program for all new residents to SaddleBrooke Ranch. Each month, the Newcomers Welcome Volunteers hold a gathering for new homeowners and renters. You are invited to attend to learn more about our community.…

2 Your Health – January 2025

In the New Year, Start Out with Your Quality of Life Heidi Overman Quality of life is valued, especially when we retire. We want to be able to retire and have a great quality of life. But what does that actually mean? Each person may have a different opinion as to what their quality of…

Endings, Beginnings, Retirement

Tim Malone Endings refer to the closure or conclusion of a particular phase in life. In the context of retirement, an ending might signify the conclusion of a long and fulfilling career. This phase often involves letting go of daily work routines, professional identities, and job-related responsibilities. Endings can be accompanied by mixed emotions, including…