Nan Nasser You are invited to the celebration of SaddleBrooke Community Outreach’s 20 years of providing services to youngsters in a 100-mile service area. This party will take place on Tuesday, April 18, in the MountainView Country Club ballroom beginning at 3:00 p.m. There will be refreshments, cash bar, door prizes, balloons, displays, along with…
Category: April 2017
April 2017
The Daughter Caregiver Support Group of SaddleBrooke
Heidi Wagner The Daughter Support Group is open to any woman in SaddleBrooke who is a caregiver for a parent or an elderly person. The main objective of the group is to provide support to those caregivers, both emotional and informational. Since we have a common goal we have formed strong friendships while sharing and…
April 2017
50s, 60s Sock Hop April 27 – tickets on sale now
Jane Gromelski Return to those thrilling years when we were young. Some of us went to the dances and danced, some watched from the sidelines. Bah to that! We can all get on the floor and dance with our own moves; come and have fun with the music of our golden youth! Sip an alcoholic…
April 2017
DesertView Cinema Club
Coming attractions: Movie Date Time Snowden (R) April 4 2:15 and 7 p.m. Moonlight (R) April 11 2:15 and 7 p.m. 2017 Best Picture Fences (PG-13) April 18 2:15 and 7 p.m. Denzel Washington 2017 Best Actor Lion (PG-13) April 25 2:15 and 7 p.m. Season over – see you in November Programs are subject…
April 2017
SaddleBrooke Health Fair celebrates 20th anniversary
Phyllis Ketring This year’s Health Fair will represent 20 years of successful annual fairs at SaddleBrooke. The Health Fair is one of the largest volunteer-driven events in our community. Please mark Saturday morning, October 14, on your calendars to attend this anniversary event. The Health Fair Planning Committee frequently hears reports that a significant health…
April 2017
Catalina Community Chorus presents – Music, Music, Music…the Songs America Loves to Sing

Donna Langwig On Sunday, April 2, 2017, at 3:00 p.m. the community will be treated to an entertaining program of musical favorites. The concert will take place at Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church, 3001 E. Miravista Lane in Catalina, on the west side of Oracle Rd., 3.7 miles north of Tangerine. Music has…
April 2017
Women’s retreat – She dances in the desert, April 21

Terry Barringer The historic Hacienda del Sol Guest Ranch and Resort will be the setting of the women’s retreat hosted by the Women’s Ministry of the Community Church at SaddleBrooke on Friday, April 21, 2017. Consider this event an opportunity to celebrate the arrival of spring and fresh beginnings. The story of Miriam. How might…
April 2017
SB PaperCrafters donate cards
Carol Thompson Once again Amber Lights senior living center residents were the recipients of handmade cards from our own SaddleBrooke PaperCrafters members. Back by popular demand these folks loved the cards we placed on their doors last year, and we were asked back to do the same this year!a Our PaperCrafters group donates greeting cards…
April 2017
SaddleBrooke Skygazers
You’re invited to a Star Party Rita Fletcher Come see what is not visible to your naked eye! Where you saw only an empty black space, now through a telescope you will see surprises like the moons of Jupiter, the fascinating and tilting ring system around Saturn, the true brilliance of Venus, nebulas, globular clusters,…
April 2017
SaddleBrooke Stroke/Neuro Support Group
Are you caring for a loved one who has stroke, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis or other neurological conditions? Or are you your own caregiver? Our monthly lunches provide an opportunity to share concerns and solutions in a supportive atmosphere. The next monthly meetings will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, April 21, at…