Pegg Ridolfo It’s been a long year of isolating at home. Hopefully you’ve all stayed safe and sane and taken time to continue with your genealogy research. As of now we are planning a first meeting back for the club and any new residents who are interested in joining the group, on Sept. 27, from…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, April 2021
CMSC of MOAA Recap

G. William Myers (Lt., CEC, USN Former) The Catalina Mountain Satellite Chapter (CMSC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held its February meeting on Feb. 20. The meeting began with a short business session presided over by Col. Bill Nagy, president, during which members were updated on the chapter’s current and future activities.…
Clubs & Classes, April 2021
Volunteering at HSSA
Christophe Valton “A community in which all pets are cared for and loved.” Volunteering at an organization which espouses this vision offers a unique opportunity to enhance the quality of life of shelter animals. Without exception, our animals arrive at Humane Society of Southern Arizona (HSSA) because something went wrong in their lives. Abuse, neglect,…
Clubs & Classes, April 2021
Sunset Ride in Saguaro East National Park

Rebecca Williams The SaddleBrooke Ranch Horseback Riding Group rode in two separate groups in the late afternoon of two beautiful days in early March. They were on a sunset ride through the Saguaro East National Park. It was thrilling to see the beauty of tall stands of saguaros marching across the landscape in the setting sun.…
Clubs & Classes, April 2021
SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club Is Now a Cause-Based Club

Patti R. Albaugh What is a cause-based club? Rotary Club International has created a new model for club structure and activity, and SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club has adopted the new format. It’s a simpler club model with less administrative hassle, fewer meetings, and quality time with fellow members doing self-selected projects. In this model, members…