Category: Generals
Generals, June 2023
SBR Newcomers Welcome Gatherings June 8 and July 13
Linda Shannon-Hills You are loving our wonderful community, but do you know all that is available to you as a new resident? Don’t be overwhelmed with moving to SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR). It’s a new community, new state, new home—and we have information to help make settling into the new community easier. Come to the Newcomers…
Generals, June 2023
American Legion Oro Valley Post Charity Golf Tournament
If you want to make a meaningful difference in the lives of local homeless and other veterans in need, and the families of deployed members of the Guard and Reserve, our citizen soldiers, there is no better way than to support the American Legion Oro Valley Post 132. As recently stated by the Chairman of…
Generals, June 2023
Friends of Bill W.
Friends of Bill meets Thursdays, 3 to 4 p.m., in the La Vista Room. Contact: [email protected] or 831-206-3077
Generals, June 2023
Oracle School Foundations

The Tributaries Rocked DesertView Again! Barry Swartzberg For a second time, the Tributaries rocked the DesertView Theatre, playing to a sold-out auditorium for more than two hours in a second benefit concert for the Oracle Schools Foundation. This talented group had an enthusiastic audience dancing in their seats, in the aisles, singing along, tapping their toes,…
Generals, June 2023
Volunteer Opportunity
The Oracle Public Library is in need of several volunteers to help keep the library open for its citizens of Oracle. If you can spare three hours per week, the library is looking for you! Training will be provided. Stop by at 565 E. American Ave. and pick up an application, or call 520-896-2121.
Generals, June 2023
Welcome New Neighbors
Linda Shannon-Hills Welcome to our new homeowners moving into our beautiful community in the last few months. We have a wonderful welcome program for all new residents to SaddleBrooke Ranch. Each month, the Newcomers Welcome Volunteers hold a gathering for new homeowners and renters. You are invited to attend to learn more about our community.…
Generals, June 2023
Need a Ride? SBR Neighbors Helping Neighbors Volunteers Can Be of Help
Linda Shannon-Hills How am I going to get to my doctor’s appointment? Uber and Lyft don’t come to SaddleBrooke Ranch, but you can request a ride with one of our numerous volunteers from SaddleBrooke Ranch Neighbors Helping Neighbors. Our community is so welcoming and helpful, wanting to aid residents needing a ride. There is no…
Generals, June 2023
Blood Drive Set for June 17
Tina Fugleberg SaddleBrooke Ranch is on a mission to help save lives by hosting a blood drive on June 17 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The Ranch House, Sol Ballroom, 31143 S. Amenity Dr. The community is invited to take part in this special event and donate blood for hospital patients in our…
Generals, June 2023
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings

SBCO and SaddleBrooke Ranchers Encourage Young Readers Nancy McCluskey-Moore Each year SaddleBrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) funds a grant to provide first graders at Ray Elementary School in Kearny, Ariz., with a wooden bookcase and two new books. The funding also provides for each child to receive two additional books in second and again in third…