Category: Clubs & Classes

Watercolor Pet Portraits Workshop

Patti West Create a beautiful watercolor of your favorite fluffy friend! In this two-day course (over two weeks) given by instructor Rachel Linnemeier, you will learn how to transfer your reference photo to paper, find bright colors within your image, slowly build your image from light to dark, and create volume and depth in fur.…


Former Lt. William Myers, CEC, USN The Catalina Mountain Chapter (CMC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held a recent luncheon meeting on April 20 at SaddleBrooke Ranch. The meeting began with a business session presided over by retired Capt. Chuck Vaughan, U.S. Navy, President, during which members were updated on the chapter’s…

Spring Line Dance Party Draws a Crowd

Charles Hendryx SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Line Dancers hosted a spring line dance party on April 26. Area line dance clubs were invited to three hours of dancing together. About 85 dancers contributed to a room full of energy and smiles as Line Dance at SBR experienced its largest group at a dance. Some area line…

New Moniker for Writing Guild

Kathie Marshall At its last meeting, the former Writing Guild decided to discard the formal ‘guild’ designation and voted on a new catchy name: Ranch Writers. If you are interested in exploring your creativity with the written word, consider joining this fun and instructional writing group by contacting Kathie Marshall at [email protected]. Monthly meetings are…

Technology Club June Classes

Jeff Kaczmarek Your SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) Tech Club has been working to set an informative and interesting lineup of classes for the month of June. Please note the following upcoming classes: * June 4 from 9 a.m. to noon: Basics of 3D Printing on our Prusa Machine * June 6 from 1 to 3 p.m:…

Woodworkers Club Builds Bookcases for Young Readers

Bren Hirschberg Saddlebrooke Community Outreach (SBCO) has a summer reading program for the communities north of us in Pinal County. Each year, new first–graders are given several age-appropriate books to read during the summer, from first through sixth grade. They also give each student a bookcase to keep all the books they receive. A group…

Sheriff Candidate Visits SaddleBrooke Ranch

Lucy Lange SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR) residents Donna and Matt Nelson hosted a fundraiser on May 2 for Patrick Melvin, Pinal County Democratic candidate for Sheriff. Around 30 SBR residents, armed with platters of delicious appetizers, raised the spirit of the afternoon as they heard from Patrick what and how he’ll do if elected. He talked…

New Zentangle Classes for the Art Club!

Erin Newman Join the Art Club as we continue to learn more about Zentangle. Returning instructor Val Barsevich continues to wow us with her Zentangle knowledge. Check out these classes to be held in June and July! Beat the heat (or the monsoons!)—come learn Zentangle! The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way…

Second Annual Candidate Breakfast June 29

Join SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch GOP and meet the candidates! The SaddleBrooke Republican Club will join with the SaddleBrooke Ranch GOP and present a Candidate Breakfast on June 29. Our featured speakers are Sheriff Mark Lamb, running for U.S. Senate; Congressman Juan Ciscomani, running to maintain his Congressional District 6 seat; and Kathleen Winn, opposing…