Category: Features
Features, August 2023
Featured Cat Owners
Features, August 2023
Diva Saw Them Again!
Features, August 2023
2 Your Health: Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness—How Massage Can Help

Heidi Overman, LMT #MT-24997 Brain health concerns are becoming more and more prevalent. As we age, we start to notice small changes in our memory, brain fog, and possibly more severe memory issues. There are many things we can do to help improve brain health. Nutrition, exercise, supplements, puzzles, and massage are just a few…
Features, August 2023
Word of the Month: Piastre
David Zapatka Reader Chuck Hakkarinen, commenting on the May WOTM column, writes, “In the 20th century, Paladin was the name of the character played by actor Richard Boone in the TV western “Have Gun, Will Travel.” He was quite the dandy, living in San Francisco, quoting the Classics, fast on the draw. I think he typically…
Features, August 2023
Newcomers Welcome Gatherings August 10 and September 14
Linda Shannon-Hills You are loving our wonderful community, but do you know all that is available to you as a new resident? Don’t be overwhelmed with moving to SaddleBrooke Ranch (SBR). It’s a new community, new state, new home. You might be wondering, “where do I find all the information to make settling into this new…
Features, August 2023
Happy 50th Anniversary!

On June 17, neighbors, friends, and family gathered at the Ranch House Event Patio to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ron and Sue Monson. On display was Sue’s wedding dress that, at the time of their wedding, was 25 years old, making it 75 years old now. Guests enjoyed appetizers and drinks during a beautiful Arizona…
Features, August 2023
“Home, James!”—The Grocery Delivery Service That’s Changing Lives in SaddleBrooke Ranch

Debora Witten James Green and Deb Wieczorek, the dynamic duo behind the grocery delivery service “Home, James!” are on a mission to make life easier for their neighbors in SaddleBrooke Ranch. Having moved to the community from Colorado Springs, Colo., in April 2022, they quickly fell in love with the beauty of the area, the friendly…
Features, August 2023
Deed Fraud: Protecting Yourself Against a Growing Threat
R.O.S.E., Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly Deed fraud, also known as title fraud or property fraud, is a scheme that has been on the rise in recent years, posing a significant risk to property owners across Arizona and throughout the country. This form of fraud occurs when scammers illegally transfer ownership of a property without…
Features, August 2023
Bugs Be Gone with Essential Oils
JoAnne Gaudioso ’Tis the season! No, not Christmas. It is the season when bugs and all sorts of pesky creatures invite themselves into our homes, our backyard gatherings, and our campsites. Whether you are trekking through the backwoods or stepping out in the backyard, you need protection against insects and bugs. With an alarming amount…